No matter what stage of life you're in, it's so important that you take time for yourself. As women, many of us have the roles of wife, mother and daughter. Life can get so busy with day to day schedules, meetings, practices, etc and it is easy to lose your focus on what's important. I've been to a few Christian Women conferences and as an attendee, you get what you want out of it, if you go with an open ear, heart and mind.
A few weeks ago, I attended my first (of many more to come) Propel Women conference called Activate. It's a conference celebrating every woman's passion, purpose and potential. Propel Women is founded by Christine Caine, she's a well known speaker and author in the Christian community. She is also a strong advocate for the A21 organization. This organization is against human trafficking (please click on on the link and read more about it). Propel women has quickly evolved as a group that inspires so many to connect in the form of chapters all over, to engage with one another for support.
I didn't know what to expect from Activate. I just knew it was an all day conference wth various well known speakers. How can it not be good, right? I went with an open mind and heart because my spirit was yearning for it. There were moments I laughed and moments where I cried in my seat because the messages were really touching my spirit. I remember thinking, "Lord, thats me."
This journey of life can make you feel lonely at times, even though you are surrounded by so many people that love you and even knowing that the One who matters the most loves you. Since I have begun this journey of motherhood 5 years ago, life has been a rollercoaster and there have been many emotions I have had to face. So many moments I have felt like a complete failure and at other times, it's brought me my greatest joys, smiles and memories. I say all this to remind you that taking time for yourself is imperative. Surround yourself with women who can inspire you and motivate you to be a better YOU, because you can easily get lost.
At this conference, I was reminded by each speaker that I do have a purpose and I have potential to do great things. Everyone is striving to achieve their dreams and we all need to be reminded that God does love us. There were a few excerpts from each speaker that I found fascinating to hear and I wanted to share because they explained it so well and I, myself was able to relate to it.
1. Christine Caine | @christinecaine | @propelwomen | "Stop thinking you came from nothing, you're living for nothing, and that you're going nowhere" Know that God made you for a purpose and in His image. When God gets involved in your life things happen and you're able to fulfill that purpose.
2. Lysa Terkeurst | @lysaterkeurst | @proverbs31ministries | "Dust does not mean the end, it's an ingredient so you can be molded into something." When your life has been shattered into dust it almost seems impossible for God to repair you, but the Bible says don't lean onto your own understanding. God's word brings freedom.
3. Christy Wright | @christybwright "There's a disconnection between your wants and realities that causes stress and anxiety." Be aware of what your reality is and set your priorities. When you start over committing to too many things, that's when you begin to stress and it than affects your family. Engage in work that really matters to you.
4. Lisa Harper | @lisadharper "Propel means to actually get up and do something.' God chose Deborah, which was unusual for a woman at that time to have an elite high position, to lead Israel in battle. Because of her bravery, Israel was able to walk into Canaan and be successful. Once you know what your purpose is, be confident and know that God is with you every step of the way.
girls just having fun...
Issy + Steph