My oldest son Asael Jared, has become a Star Wars enthusiast thanks to his aunt, uncle and cousin. Although he has not seen any of the movies (neither have mom & dad), he seems to point out any Star Wars toys and commercials when he sees them. I even gave in into buying him a Storm Trooper at Toy's R Us thinking these troopers were on the "good side." I later realized they are part of the "bad side" oh well.
So for this Valentine's Day I decided we should go with the whole Star Wars theme because he now has a strong opinion about it. Eek! So from Pinterest, I gathered a few DIY crafts that can be easily made and has FREE PRINTS to take to classrooms. Stay tuned to see my own DIY craft my son and I will make to take to his little buddies.
Star Wars Valentine's Day Bag Toppers from
Tic Tac Star Wars from The Idea Room
Glow Stick Valentine's Day Card from Cinnaberry Suite (oh and fyi, you can get glow sticks from the Dollar Store)
Star Wars Valentine's Day cards from A Few Short Cuts
Star Wars Valentine's Day cards from Paper and Pastiche