Growing up, I didn't really understand the significance of Easter. Yes, we would go to mass and I'd listen in a little on the story of Jesus and how He died for me, but in my eyes it was really all about the Easter eggs and baskets. Now, as an adult, and having my own relationship with Jesus Christ, I have come to understand the true meaning. A few weeks before Easter I like to do a small activity with my boys as well, you can find it HERE.
When you really wrap your mind around Jesus' death and resurrection, it is pretty miraculous. During Easter we all hear that He lived a perfect life, atoned for the sins of this world, was crucified while being innocent and rose again three days later. But it's not untill you make it more personal that this event becomes more intimate and that more special.
For me, I think about...
LOVE. Jesus has paved the way for me to overcome sorrow, pain, and sin so that I might return clean to Him one day. I know that He died as a martyr and rose again from that tomb. And He did it all because He loves me that much.
CHOICE. We have the choice to choose our eternal destiny. Jesus died for me and you so that we can have eternal life with Him. Which means our daily choices do matter. I want my life to revolve around Jesus because one day I will have to face Him. Even though my life is far from perfect, I have the choice to talk to Him daily and be transparent.
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”
Asael singing with church kids choir
Judah singing with his church kids choir
Let's talk about this backdrop for a of my good friends Isela @seldellop is amazing in stage design and together with the help a couple other volunteers we made this House of Lars Built paper chain design. It took about 3 days to make and hang but it was so much fun.